October 20, 2011


I really need to lose about 90-100 pounds. Sometimes it seems like a daunting task. I was reading a blog about this young woman who weighed 300 pounds and lost about 136. I think it took her just over a year. She was just darling and I thought gez, why do I get so impatient about how long it will take, when the time is going to pass no matter what. This time next year will be here guaranteed, it's what I choose to do during that time. I choose, sticking to my guns and getting this weight off.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! saw your comment on my blog and i have added you to my blogroll.
    What you say about time is so true!!! Im sure you can do it!! and yes, mini goals are key.. as well as motivation and when you start seeing the pounds come off its so..... great!
    I will be back to check on your progress and to cheer for you!!!!
