October 19, 2011

Yes!! Into the 40's.

Well I've lost two pounds and it has made me feel even more motivated. My husband is out-of-town for a couple of days (back tomorrow) which is good, although I miss him, so I can get into the swing of this. This morning my egg quiche is fantastic. I don't feel like I'm dieting. 

The Dukan Way says the first 5 days or so no veggies, just protein, then you alternate after that with a full day of just protein and the next day protein and veggies. So I'm kind of inventing my own way just a bit. I'll eat veggies and just see how my body responds. I can't eat the Fat Free ranch dressing... just can't. So I'll have my little luxuries here and there I just won't go overboard. 

The only thing I don't like about the Dukan Diet is that that first week your tired and that I can't stand. So maybe by not cutting out the veggies the first week I won't be so tired. I feel pretty good today, hopeful, bright-eyed and ready to roll.

Breakfast: Egg quiche, cup of light vanilla soy milk.
Snacks:  1 Tbs. Peanut Butter (can't live without peanut butter), Sugar Free Strawberry Jello (bite out of my lunch (hamburger)
Lunch:  Two hamburger patties (No bun), dip in a bit of ranch dressing
Dinner: Not sure, probably hamburger patty with some fat free cheese and of course my Dukan Pancake. That pancake saves my sanity.

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